Tuesday To-Dos

So on Tuesdays, this is what you should do… You should wake up and reheat the leftover pumpkin pancakes you made last week. Slice up some strawberries… Crack open a vanilla Chobani (and throw some chia seeds in there while you’re at it to thicken them up). Stack the pancakes…add all of the above in […]

7am Sky

7am sky… 7am breakfast… I’m hanging on to strawberries for as long as I possibly can. Into the bowl went: Strawberry Banana Chobani (+ chia seeds) Sliced strawberries Kashi Go Lean Crunch Sunflower Seed Butter Coffee to top it off… Off to work!

Scenes from CT

Okay – I’m officially FED UP with Mac desktop blogging programs!! I used Ecto fairly successfully for the past 2 years but recently have been unable to use it without it constantly freezing and losing my entire post!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me suggestions if anyone uses anything other than Ecto!! *** Now that my […]