Phish Food Ending

I made a quick trip to the grocery store on the way home and picked up a fresh loaf of french bread to have with dinner.

While I did that Mike started the pasta and we finished up dinner together once I got home.

Easy peasy – my favorite kinds of meals…

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We threw some chicken sausage into the pasta along with some sauce…

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So good.

Salad on the side…

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Best part?

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I was supposed to do yoga tonight.

But instead I sat on the couch and ate half a pint of Phish Food.

So…there’s that at least…


  1. Ahaha, you’re my best friend. I love your Phish Food ending…I use to take down pints of that in college. I haven’t had it in so long.I need to pick some up next time I’m at the store!!

    And for the record, eating ice cream is every bit as relaxing as yoga in my book.

    • Definitely get some – I wish I could say I haven’t done it in so long. Haha. I used to do Cookie Dough and Half Baked in college – SOOOOO good.

      And haha – I knew I could count on you to support ice cream eating over yoga 🙂 THAT’S WHY WE ARE BEST FRIENDS!

  2. Ha, no Phish music here. I like the ice cream better anyway 😉

  3. Easy meals are my favorite too! Usually means minimal clean up 🙂

  4. Easy meals like this are the best! And how nice that you found a man that’s willing to help out in the kitchen! We should all be so lucky. (:
    Oh, and that bread? Yuuum.

  5. Mmm there’s nothing like fresh bread!

  6. The Teenage Taste says:

    Phish food ice cream is the best! 😀

  7. In my opinion… Ben & Jerry’s > yoga 😉

  8. Yum! Looks great 🙂

  9. Fab dinner, once again! I skipped yoga last weekend…I feel less guilty knowing some one else is in my club now 🙂

  10. Chicken sausage with pasta is so good. I love fresh bread too. There is nothing wrong with a little Ben & Jerry’s. 🙂

    • Yeah nothing beats fresh bread in my opinion! And I totally agree – I mean, I’m not sure half a pint counts as “a little” but either way, I’m pretty okay with it 😉

  11. Gotta love Ben & Jerry’s!!

  12. MMMMM icecream period. Bestest dessert ever.

  13. Phish Food is my single favorite ice cream of all time! EXCELLENT choice! (I may be a little biased toward B&J’s flavors in general though, I AM from VT….)

  14. Ice cream is a totally acceptable substitute for yoga. They both make you happy, so the end effect is similar…right…??

  15. Oh I love pasta with chicken sausage!! Such a great meal!

  16. Caitlyn, ONLY HALF A PINT?!!?!?!? Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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